CALIFERNICATION. It was merely an attention post. A funny video about a ginger seller in the Gabaldon Public Market enticing people to buy by claiming her wares is the cure for COVID. “Luya bili na kayo, gamot sa COVID!” It got members attention alright, not on her but on her neighbor’s wares. FIDDLEHEAD FERN, a thick edible fern that resembles the ornate end of a fiddle. One member was so ecstatic to have her theory proven that this type of fern also grew in the Philippines, not only in Malaysia. Others kept saying “Masarap igata yan”. These comments got our attention.

So what we decided to do was to go to the place where they gather these Fiddleheads, Brgy. Ibuna in Dingalan, where they grow big and thick. We asked them to gather 100 bundles. Fern and seaweed gathering is a primary source of livelihood in this seaside community. We hope this offer takes off so that we can take from more than one household.

SNAP BUY: FIDDLEHEAD FERN. We are looking for salad-loving Rural Rising members to buy 4 bundles of Fiddlehead Fern and pay P200. FM gets 5 bundles.


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