QUAT THE HECK IS THIS? It’s amazing what fruits come out when you tell the farmers that we would pay for quality and variety. KUMQUATS! We would be less surprised if they handed us a cast of the footprints of a Cordillera Sasquatch monster but our surprise is still just as enormous.

Kumquats are also known as the Golden Orange or Golden tangerine, and that is exactly what they are. It is edible, peel and all, so it’s always good idea to wash it well. Imagine the variety of things you can do with this, all that delicious cooking—marmalades,, pickles, meat garnish or candies.

SO YOU SEE. These are the Kumquats. They are organic and freshly-harvested. Provided by our amazing, amazing farmers from Sagada, Mt. Province.

KUMQUAT SNAP BUY. We are looking for 5 Rural Rising members to buy 3 kilos of Kumquats. The price is P999. Grab it or miss it. Say “Whee!” Or “Whaa!”


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Weight 3 kg


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