UMIIKOT LINUKLOKOT. We are able to get second farmer’s share of the LINUKLOKOT harvest. Thank you Manang Fely Longay of Payo, Besao, Mt. Province. 50 precious kilos, just enough for 10 members. This is her preparing her linuklokot for transport on the van to RuRi House today, and that’s her in pretty repose. And that’s the linuklokot in the video. See how there’s some delicious-looking clumps in there to tell you how organic and authentic these can be.
GROUP BUY: LINUKLOKOT PART 2. We are looking for 10 members to buy 5 KG OF LINUKLUKOT and pay only P1,100. Help us by adding your name to the list and sending us proof of payment to
*All Crate Hopes this week comes with the new Rural Rising vinyl car sticker
*All Founder Members get 1 kilo Native Worm Poop free. Should the title of this blog be Umiikot Likuklokot at Umiipot?
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