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Weight | 10 kg |
MAIS NYO BA TUMULONG? This is the second time now that we’re heard of produce being stolen from the fields. First was the papayas of one farmer in Sto. Tomas, Batangas. And then corn in Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija. Times are really very hard now, perhaps even dangerous, that we are seeing neighbor stealing from neighbor even in once tight-knit rural communities. It’s bad enough that they are fighting worms already but to have to fight their neighbours and have something to regret—or lose all the corn and the family has nothing to eat. What a very pitiful, situation this is.
This is Teodoro and Cynthia Valdez of Brgy. Kamatsile, and they have approached Rural Rising for help with that remains of their crop. Listen to their promise about giving us only the good, full ears of corn. The rest we shall still buy, husk and donate to Barangay Payatas. We shall pay Teodoro and Cynthia their price in full and in cash.
CORN RESCUE. We are looking for a few Rural Rising members to support Corn Rescue Buy to help a farmer couple in distress in Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija. If you give P550, your share is 10 kilos of corn good-quality corn. If you are a Founder Member, we shall be happy to give you 12 kilos.
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