CORN WAY HIGH WAY. If you’re traveling here to Camp Mingan, you can take the Easy way or the Corn way. The Easy way is through the Fort Magsaysay military preserve, 30-minutes shaved off your trip time. The Corn way is to pass through Palayan City and right before you turn right towards Gabaldon, stop at a roadside lean-to selling roasted corn. That bag of piping hot, charcoal-tasting corn is already the trip. Sa Manila or Baguio pa lang, I would ask Andie what way is it this time, and everytime it’s Corn way, always the Corn way.
So on Monday, we shall be getting Fresh Corn from our farmers in Palayan. The size of our order will only be for the number of orders we get in advance.

SNAP BUY PANG-IHAW CORN. We are looking for as many Rural Rising members to get a bag of freshly-harvested Corn, 6 kilos inside, and pay only P499.


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Weight 6 kg


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