PINAKAMASARAP SA BALAT NG GUBAT. Last week we discovered TSAANG GUBAT or MOUNTAIN TEA. It was a gift really from our farmer friends in Mt. Province. We loved it to bits, literally. Boiled or steeped, it has a very calming effect on the stomach either after a heavy meal or as an anytime treat. One big bunch, gone in a week, that’s how much we took to it. We had to get more and five extra bunches to introduce it to the group. The feedback from those who bought and to those we shared our stash with, they have only good things to say. Who would think that air-dried leaves would be so full of flavor? This is not Lipton, Earl Grey or Twinnings. This is better stuff that elevates the tea experience, and creates a new indulgent addiction. We’ve had and enjoyed expensive tea, sure. But nothing quite like picking the leaves out of these branches and dropping them into your waiting cup one by one. That exercise is part of the experience. It’s part of thr tea-raphy. It’s almost like being there in Sagada, enjoying clean air, a keen and simple pleasure, and life itself.

Back-read the story: What we have here are five bundles of MOUNTAIN TEA or TSAANG GUBAT. From Sagada, Mt. Province. Air-dried already so they will keep for a long time. In thee highlands, they call this tea “LABAI”. Adults drink it plain to calm the stomach after a particularly heavy meal, or as an energy booster when you add a dollop of honey. Children are allowed to drink this tea, in fact it’s one of the favourites snacks. They sweeten the tea with lots of muscovado sugar and pour it over rice. This video shows how it is prepared—boiled for minute add either muscovado, honey, lemon or lemon concentrate to sweeten. You can also steep the leaves in hot water for five minutes. You can add milk too like the older people in the highlands too then say “LABAI”. You’ll need some honey with this so we’ll include a bottle of honey from the Dumagat tribe of Aurora province.

TSAANG GUBAT GROUP BUY. We are looking for 20 members to buy 1 big bunch of Tsaang Gubat, 1 bottle of Dumagat Honey and 1 piece giant Lisbon Lemon, and pay only P550.


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