GENUINE ARABICA ORGANIC SAGADA PARCHMENT COFFEE! An item for the coffee connoisseurs among us. This is parchment coffee from Sagada. It’s real and direct from the source. Do you know that Sagada grows only 2 tons of genuine Sagada coffee every year? This is precious. Parchment coffee is traditional green coffee but with an extra protective layer that has not been removed. It is up to you to store the beans indefinitely and roast it exactly the way you want, at your own time. This is the exact beans used inside the very expensive SAGADA GOLD, and the reason why we are able to get these beans cheaper is that the coop’s buying price of coffee has plummeted. We did not ask the reason, we were just happy to have this.
This is Auntie Susan and our lucky haul of Sagada Parchment Coffee, just 40 kilos.

GROUP BUY: SAGADA COFFEE. We are looking for RuRi Members to get some Genuine Arabica Organic Sagada Parchment Coffee. Pay P600/kilo.


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Weight 1 kg

Roasted Ground, Roasted Whole Beans


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