SINAKOB. Some Sinakob arrived from the sugar cane farmers from Brgy. Buneg in Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. These things are perfect for coffee. Just break off a piece and hold it in your teeth while you sip coffee through it. Try it. I bet it’s an experience you’ve never thad. Or do this for a true barrio-riffic experience. Break off a piece and eat with piping hot rice. You’ll eat more than you intend.

It’s P100 for one pair, please get 2 pairs, P200. These are the Sinakobs and this is a light moment with the RuRi Boys. This buy helps Brgy. Buneg.

SNAP BUY: SINAKOB. We are looking for RuRi Members to get some Sinakob in order to try the weird recommendations above. Pay only P200.


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