It’s all very heartwarming to see. Our Sagada farmers carefully and lovingly bag the produce, and even hasten to load them in the members cars. We need to do this again next week, we’d like to invite other farmers. This time it’s highland meets lowland, we’ll invite more Cordillera farmers and invite farmers from Licab, Nueva Ecija.

Back read the story:
VEGGIE TRADE MISSION. We received this extraordinary letter from the farmers of Sagada and Besao. They’re coming to RuRi House to visit—what an honor!—but please can you buy the vegetables we are bringing? Haha. A trade mission with a mission, this is what this is! We are so amused, we find it so endearing, that we agreed to do it.
This is how the letter reads:
“Hi sir Ace and Andie. In behalf of the farmers of Sagada and Besao in Mt. Province, we are very thankful for your continous support to our farmers in buying their produce (whatever we send to RURI actually). Our farmers had been looking forward to meet in person sir Ace and Andie Estrada, the founding members of Rural Rising, our faithful buyer (postponed many times because of covid 19, even your visit to Sagada). As part of our DAR Linksfarm activities in linking the farmers to the market, we will be coming to RURI, Quezon City on december 3, 2021 with some farmer/ARBs for market visit, strengthening our marketing partnership and to deliver some of the farmers produce for you to sell (please… ). So there you have it. It does get any more direct to the farmers than this. Please can you support this so we can show na RuRi lang ang sakalam? (Re: we just learned this delightful slang, please forgive me for using it.) Let’s do a BAYONG NG PAGASA SAGADA-BESAO EDITION. It will contain everything they said they will bring, sent to you in a Luisiana, Laguna native Bayong, and thank you most sincerely!
The price is P1,500. This is going to be very, very special.

BAYONG PAGASA: HIGHLAND & LOWLAND EDITION. We are looking for 30 Rural Rising members to participate in this special Bayong ng Pagasa on December 10, 2021. Pay only P1,500.


or 3 payments of ₱500.00 with

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